A letter to my students…

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Hello all,

I hope you are all safe and well. I know how tough (hard/difficult) this period of confinement is proving (está siendo) for you all and I just want to thank you for participating in the activities and tasks I have been creating for you.



I would like to say a huge thank you to all my students who are on the front line, whether you are a doctor, nurse, cleaner, fire-fighter, police officer, security guard, taxi/bus/ambulance/lorry driver, deliverer, cook, pharmacist, shop worker, journalist, volunteer or any of the many others who have been helping the public in one way or another during this difficult time.

We still have a long way to go in this endeavour (prueba difícil) and we will all have to learn to adapt: by adopting and getting used to some changes in our lifestyle, and that will probably include the way we follow a language course. But we will have to wait and see what happens from now till the next school year.


As for “That’s English”, our course is drawing to a close (coming to an end) and this week I would like to give you the opportunity to say who you would like to thank for their work or support during these months. It could be someone close to you who has made life easier during this period  (your partner/husband/ wife/flatmate? your children for behaving well?  your boss for being understanding? your neighbours for being considerate?) or it could be someone or a group of people that you don’t know personally, but who you think is/are doing a good job…… or even your pet for keeping you company!

Just CLICK in a space on the PADLET board BELOW and write. below

You will also see a Google Form for anyone who wishes to leave a question for me about anything referring to the contents of this course and I will reply to you personally.        SEE BELOWbelow


You will shortly (pronto) see information on the EOI Valencia-Saïdia That’s English page about the final evaluation process. But keep an eye on the EOI  general website, too.

Finally, I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon in more propitious (favourable) circumstances.

Keep safe. Best regards,





Feel free to leave a comment, suggestion or question.