Category Archives: PUC – B2


Your friend, who has an advertising business, has asked you for help as he knows you have had similar problems in your business in the past. His problem is with different generations of workers, who are finding it difficult to work together: in particular Baby boomers and Generation Z workers. Send your friend an email explaining the main differences between the two generations. Advising him/her on how to improve the situation according to the information contained in the following infographic.

Don’t forget to:

  • show understanding of the situation
  • adapt the message to your interlocutor
  • use your own words as far as possible
  • give advice
  • organize key ideas
  • only include relevant information, although you may your own ideas if suitable


B1 (and B2) Speaking and writing activity (mediation)

Look at the info graph below about travelling solo or in a group and do the following activities.

  • 1. The first activity is ORAL – you need to record your voice and send it to me for feedback. If you like, you can use Vocaroo. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING BEFORE YOU RECORD YOURSELF.
    • Instructions: Explain to me, in your own words, the infograph below. Focus on the most relevant aspects. Contrast the two ways of travelling.
  • 2. The second activity is a WRITTEN task – send it to my “tutoria” email for correction.
    • Instructions: Karen is a 35-year-old friend of yours who has recently lost her job. She has been working in a very isolated environment and she needs to socialize and enjoy a trip. You know Karen well and you think the perfect way for her to travel would be in a group.
    • Write Alice an email (150-180 words):
    • EXPLAIN why you think she should travel with other people.
    • SUGGEST the most suitable ideas and activities and PERSUADE her to travel in a group/with friends.
    • EXPLAIN why this kind of travel is appropriate for her in her current situation.